MyRelaxer Stress Buster Tools
Conquer Stress from WithinOur Second Line of Defense Optimizing our immune system + diminishing stress
We are all struggling with the pandemic in one way or another. Too many things are out of our control. There are uncertainties as to how best to...
5 Concepts to Feel Better
The 5 Concepts to Feel Better and Be Better 1. We need to throw the kitchen sink of solutions at our pain and issues. Why? Answer: Excepting...
Fridge Ready Habit Changing Form
Sleep Better to Feel Better
Sleep is Essential to “Feel Better” and Being Better
WOOP Template
Early Protein to Avoid the Mid-Morning Blahs
We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but just eating breakfast isn’t enough (though it’s a darn good start!). What...
Food is Our Fuel
Food is Our Fuel For Feeling Good or for Feeling Bad To feel better,eat more of the good stuff than the bad stuff The bad stuff causes stress The...
Attitude and Gratitude = Keys to a Better Life
Wanna know a secret? Turns out, one of the best tools for great health and stress reduction doesn’t require you to do anything at all other than...
Frequency of Movement is the Key to the Frequency of Feeling Good
Frequency of Movement is the Key to the Frequency of Feeling Good Because of technological advances, we’ve evolved into a society of sitters. In the...
Food is Medicine
Food is our fuel for feeling good or for feeling bad. To feel better, eat more of the good stuff than the bad stuff The bad stuff causes stress The...
Choose the Life You Want
How do we become the kind of person we want to be? Can you say, with 100% certainty, that you are the person you want to be? Are you living your...